Thursday, December 2, 2010

debit me my sanity

oh my GOD! What is it with people and debit cards?  Debit is not a complete alternative to cash!  So frustrating in the supermarket these days when people whip out a debit card to pay for a mars bar.  These are always the people who don't know how to swipe it or forgot their glasses in the car or have difficulty pushing buttons.  Also, there should be a line where anyone over the age of 65 is FORCED to go.  We need age segregation and we need it NOW!  Separate but equal.  Equal but separated by the forces of age and the need to chat with the cashier.  Man alive.

1 comment:

  1. Separate but equal never works. All the poor old people would have to deal with the worst thing possible- themselves. They'd be waiting in line for 10 hours complaining the whole time about how the people are SOO SLOOOWWW then they'd get to the front and complain to the cashier for 20 minutes, thus slowing the line down further.
