Sunday, October 31, 2010

Breaking news

Yeah poutine dog walking I feel fine who cares? THIS is what I received from my potential supervisor JUST NOW:

Your thesis is very interesting. I have a suggestion. Would you put all the chapters into one Word file, this time including the title page, table of contents, etc. that are not included in the attachments you emailed to me, and send it to me? Then, if you agree, I would like to forward your thesis to Gen. Dallaire and Major Brent Beardsley, with whom I work through MIGS. If you agree, I would also like to share your thesis with Rene Lemarchand to get his suggestions re. how you could deepen your research on the North-South divide in the FAR before 1994. These are just suggestions. Think them over and let me know what you would or would not like to do./Best wishes, 

Romeo DALLAIRE??  Ohmygod what if he hates it and disagrees with everything?  What if he thinks I'm a berk?  What if he phones me personally to tell me I have it all wrong?   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAh this is so fucking cool I'm gonna die.


  1. OmG you must be sooooooooo excited...i'm so happy for you..Romeo Romeo for for art thou.."
    I'm here reading Amelia's paper...I think i'm going to marry this girl"

  2. Yayyyyyyy! I kept telling you you were brilliant but you wouldn't believe me. But you are. And everyone who reads your thesis will know that too, including Romeo Dallaire

  3. Ka-ching!!! Congratulations, Amelia!!! Concordia is obviously in the process of fully buying-in! You've got the big fish nibbling on your line now, and your academic profile is about to take a tremendous leap forward! Richly deserved! I'm so happy for you Amelia!!!

    p.s. Your writing style seems to lean heavily to the "A" key lately, ha ha!
