Good morning, Chancellors! I'm BACK! With a few changes. I'm no longer a hooker and no one is reading. It's an arrogant thing to create a blog and think you have something to say because I really don't have much to say. But it's become a habit over the last year. I'm staying on course but leaving behind the sex content and the business aspect. Which means no one will read.
This blog will be about two things:
1. The things I'm actually interested in and a short form, Coles notes current events blog and
2. Life as a hooker and as an ex-hooker.
My dream is to collect war narratives from ex-Forces Armées Rwandaises soldiers. My dream is to know what that war felt like. So I'm starting here, with my own war narrative, from No Man's Land between hooker and ex-hooker.
xoxo Amelia
Great to see that smile again!!!!!!! Ten blogless days without Amelia has been waaaaaaay too long. You never know how seriously you are addicted until your fix is taken away!