Saturday, October 30, 2010


Do you remember this photo shoot Emma?  I was so annoyed because you couldn't keep the damn camera steady.  Do you remember how confused we were by your total inability to be still??  It was the most fun I'd had in ages.  Body looks good here.  Emma kept telling me to smile but I could barely do it.  Hate smiling in front of the camera for hooker photos, just bloody annoyed at the whole thing.  And what are they worth now?  Why did we take so many?  Those shoes remain an item of passion between us.  As in, one day I shall have them and be happy and fulfilled.


  1. You have one of the best smiles i know...and for God's sake you were never a hooker...i have never seen you working the streets...well maybe that one time in NB...we shall not go there...lmao

  2. My pole's nowhere near long enough for me to dare touch upon the subject of "hooker photos". But perhaps their net-worth could be conceptually rehabilitated through re-branding as "shoe photos".

    p.s. Your Smile Makes the World Go 'Round
