Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Little boy

It's a madder world than we think if 15-year-old child soldiers are guilty of terrorism.  He's not festering in a marsh of jihadism, although if he is NOW, who can blame him? 


  1. Even disregarding the fact that he was a child. The arrogance and hypocrisy of this whole American idea that they can sent their army (replete with attack helicopters and legions of highly-trained, ultra-equipped specialists in the battlefield art of shooting people in the back after they have surrendered) into a foreign country on another continent -- and that no-one has the right to defend themselves against the American invasion and assault because, in this Alice-in-Slaughterland world, only the Americans are defined as "legitimate combatants" ... boggles the mind. And just think -- all it takes to confirm this self -justifying la-la-land is a little torture, a few perjured witnesses for the prosecution, topped off by apple pie and a rigged trial. The world can sleep soundly now.
