Tuesday, November 30, 2010


No, not uranium.  I think the Stephen Lewis foundation is on to me! They called and left a message.  They said they were "curious" since my dare page is so "covert" and they'll "call me back" in the hope of "speaking with me."  I, of course, will "be away from the phone."  They'll find me eventually and when they do, I'll go down in a fire of bullets and some shame, like Bonnie and Clyde, who do NOT, in my opinion, deserve any of the respect afforded to them now.  I'm headed underground.  xoxoxo Foxtrot


  1. ha ha ... red flag number one: coyly referring to your "secret friends" etc. in a conspiratorial manner on your Dare page.

    red flag number two: helpfully re-using your "Amelia Karenina" blog-persona as your SLF-persona too -- thus leaving a clear "google-trail" for those with inquiring minds to skip down.

    Legal advice: deny deny deny. You have NOT technically violated the SLF terms and conditions. And I'd guess that people suffering from AIDS in Africa don't give a hoot about timid NGO ass-covering in Canada.

    Our money is no dirtier than the next guy's money, and a heckuvalot cleaner than most.

    (signed) John Dillinger

  2. Great. First the Russians. Now the HIV/AIDS NGOs. Why do you always get involved with the worst kind of people?
