Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Part 4

Another Colin: My god, he was a werewolf.  He had thick white hair growing everywhere on his potbellied, hanging body.  He had long hair in a ponytail and grey, hooves for feet.  His teeth were the worst corpse teeth I'd ever seen.  His breath could stop a semi in its tracks.  He presented himself in a way that I hated most: he talked on and on about his numerous girlfriends and how they all wanted to get back together with him.  This is something I abhor.  Imagine being so insecure that you have to champion yourself (dishonestly) to a hooker in a bachelor apartment on the wrong side of town.  There is never any way that clients have girls lined up at the door but particularly so with Colin.  I felt like I was having sex with a yeti.  He had an unbelievable amount of body hair, even on his back and his fingers.  The sex was like his feet: dry, decaying, gray. He overstayed his welcome, of course.  I remember saying, our time is definitely up.  He redressed, although he need not, he was already in a full suit of fur, and finally left.  

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