Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Dating tips for your Man, courtesy of the 1940s:

  • Treat it like an occasion: Refresh your wardrobe and apply a manly scent.
  • Call her up on the telephone the next day to recount what you enjoyed about the date.
  • Winning her affection is not enough.  You must hold her affection.  Some men make the mistake of abandoning romance.  Do not take her love for granted. 
  • Tip your hat
  • Never kiss a girl against her will.
  • Keeping a girl is hard work.  Negligence can be fatal.  
  • Continue to court your girl after the settle of familiarity. 
  • Do not call attention to a difference in social class, if one exists.  If she is from a class higher than yours, fortify your personality before the date.  
There you have it.  I look forward to more hat tipping in future.

1 comment:

  1. It could happen! Fashion is cyclical.

    (signed) not tipping my hand
