Sunday, November 21, 2010

CSI: Supervisor Fraud

My MA supervisor has only ever published 4 (four) (that's right FOUR) pieces of work.  FOUR.  Why did I ever listen to this guy?  He's in his mid to late 40s and apparently has only manufactured one publication per decade of life.  My BUNNIES have published more than that when they're on sabbatical.

1 comment:

  1. At least he doesn't have to spend half his time keeping his CV updated! This frees up extra time for plotting elaborate revenges to be wreaked upon his departmental foes at the annual Christmas pot-lucks. Beware the Figgy Pudding.

    p.s Wow your bunnies have it made! They haven't even been on the job for seven years, yet they've already had sabbatical. You're obviously an exemplary employer! Perhaps it is true that the lives of men are really fairy tales ... in books written by rabbits.
