Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Butt: Lifted

Does your butt need lift?  Do you enjoy soft porn?  Buy Brazil Butt Lift! This morning I learned some samba but couldn't master the combos because I have the mental faculties of a chicken.  It has been an exhausting morning.  First my building set on fire and I barely managed to escape with both bunnies intact.  Then the earthquake ruined my naked cooking.  Then El Nino melted all the plastic in my apartment.  Then I had alot of sugar while cooking.  Then I crashed and took a 7 hour power nap in 20 minutes before releasing the hounds on my scum neighbours (I wish).  I am now off to work where seniors and dogs will yell at me for no good reason.  Have a great day, young ones!  Thank god for young people...

xoxo Amelia

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