Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Very special birthday

Today is someone's birthday! Happy birthday, someone!  Here is your aura prediction for the day:


Forecast for November 2010 to November 2011

If You Were Born Today, November 9: You are an articulate, sensitive, and intuitive person. You can also be quite stubborn! Your mind is such that you absorb a lot of diverse information and you can be a jack of all trades. You are a true problem solver. Your sarcastic sense of humor can be biting at times. Not everyone knows that it hides a sensitive, self-protective soul. You can easily get yourself into a rut because of your rather fixed, stubborn nature. Famous people born today: Lou Ferrigno, Carl Sagan, Dorothy Dandridge, Spiro Agnew, Anne Sexton.

What’s in the Cards…

Today’s playing cards are based on an ancient system similar to the Tarot. Each birthday of the year is associated with a main playing card, the Birth Card, and each tells its own story.
jackclubs The card associated with your birthday is the Jack of Clubs. You are clever, witty, and your sense of humor is mischievous. Sarcasm comes easily to you, but be careful it’s not too biting. Overall, you have the sense that you can win others over with your wit, and you usually can! Your ability to solve problems is next to none. Your love card is the Seven of Spades, suggesting that you are sensitive in affairs of the heart, and you treasure those close to your heart. You may be attracted to, or you may attract, rather loopy, quirky, and sensitive partners.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Happy Birthday, someone!

    (signed) the four of hearts
