Saturday, November 6, 2010

D day, V day

These are my bunnies on the balcony.  Sometimes they get soooooo tired of sitting up that they just fall over.  They get too tired to even sit.

Stella has to go to the vet this Monday.  Stella hates the vet almost as much as she hates her carrier.  I bought these two tiny bunny carriers in Edmonton before bringing the bunnies to Halifax.  They had to be small enough to fit under the airplane seats.  Stella has to be wrestled into her carrier.  She will gladly scratch my eyes out and spill my intestines before going in.  But she's so cute in there!  When it's time to show her to the vet I slide the little tray out and there she is, like a microwave dinner.  It takes Stella two full days to even look at me again, so deep is her bitterness.  Awwww little dinner tray bunny.

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