Saturday, November 6, 2010

Revisionist historian.

What was I saying yesterday?? I must have lost my damn mind.  If it's one thing I want to be, it's normal, and just a regular doofus. 

Here are your hints for what I'm doing today:
Weimar Republic
Maritime travel
Recycling books that no one will ever love



  1. History is written (and re-written) by the victors, so 10-4!

    Sounds like you're headed downtown in the rain to sell some books to Johnny D., then you're going to spend the proceeds of the book sale at Maritime Travel to buy yourself a time-travelling ticket. Your time travel will be back to 1920's Deutschland, where you will visit a naturist Physical Culture club. There you will watch blonde German Übermenschen do gymnastic tricks while spouting Nietschean aphorisms.

  2. No! But close. Lunenburg and hamburgers! Ahahahaha

  3. Dang, that would have been my second guess. You're a such a Knot-y girl.
