Thursday, November 4, 2010


AaaaaaaHAHAHAHHAHAHAHa Aha ha.  Ugh.

My beautiful and taste-challenged friend Trotskalie is getting married.  My original thought was that she would be an excellent, low-maintenance bride who eschewed wedding insanity.  Then she sent me this to indicate what I should buy as a bridesmaid.

Now we all know how I feel about weddings and how badly my last bridesmaid experience went.  It is with great regret that I announce that Trotskalie must be eliminated.  I'm not saying it has to be an ice pick but I am saying it must be done.  Those are your orders.

xoxo Stalin


  1. Fine fine. Wear your pants that are too big on you with the shoe string belt, that green sweater you've had for 28 years and mile high red high heels for all I care. I just wanted to add a little class to the wedding.
    PS does anyone know any good Frank Sinatra impersonators who can come sing?

  2. I'm coming after you with a penis leash. I love that sweater. I didn't realize you knew I still had that sweater. Now you definitely have to be eliminated.

  3. haha you could wear all your fetish gear...:)
    now that would be a wedding!

  4. Congratulations Trotskalie! I think that Amelia, having trained you in its use, should give you the riding crop as a wedding present. It's an excellent means of instilling correct-thinking doctrine in those who might display an occasional tendancy to stray from ideological correctness. You know what I'm saying.

    (signed) yowch yowch yowch
