Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One way of thinking

Sad Obama.  His photo was splashed across the Globe and Mail this morning, the new, inexplicably shiny Globe and Mail.  On the Chronicle Herald (dull, unpolished turd of a paper) it was a few inches of article on the bottom front page because if it's one thing Nova Scotians don't care about, it's the place called Abroad where sad things happen. 

Why is the Globe so shiny, by the way?  It's either attempting to replicate Newsweek or Glamour.  I can't tell which.  Of course, the content of the Arts section (opera!), the Travel section (fly to Minsk for a weekend getaway!), the Life section (Tiffany lamps are a casual purchase!), Style section (splurge on a Fendi clutch in camel!) and every other section (TorontoTorontoTorontoToronto!) suggests most similarity with Glamour.  Or worse, Oprah.

Poor Obama.  The democrats are a deviation from the mean, right-leaning crackpots are now the norm.
And then Bush, in an interview, said that the lowest point of his presidency was an insult from the great meaningful biological mass of (Putin? Blair? Saddam?) KANYE WEST.  No no, not the hideous inappropriateness of his zombie reaction to Katrina, but the fact that Kanye West called him a racist. 

Yes, health care is definitely the worst threat to America EVER.

1 comment:

  1. Disregarding the substance of your post, I choose to keep my Bluenose pointed squarely at my navel -- and so I comment instead on your journalistic sidebar. The G&M shines (in certain places) because glossy paper harbours the potential of attracting certain high-dollar ads. Specifically, ads with graphics that are designed to show best on glossy paper. Considering the general industry-wide wisdom about the gloomy future of physically-printed daily news media, this is an interesting alternative method of raging against the night.

    (signed) the paperboy
